Art Director / Creative Director
005 - Lunchables - Pretzel Horse_1.gif

Lunchables Built To Be Eaten

Sneakerheads are a singularly obsessed people. Their field of vision is always sneakers firstthe rest of the world fades in the background. For this year’s NBA All-Star Weekend, we reimagined the iconic All-Star Dunk Contest from the perspective of a true sneakerhead. Instead of seeing an epic dunk play out, our sneakerhead characters see only one thing: a bodiless pair of fresh sneakers dribbling down the court.


After 8 years of an anthropomorphized platypus at the helm, Lunchables was looking for a fresh start. So we looked at the product in a whole new way. We saw a product where playing with your food wasn’t a problem, but the point. A Lego set you can eat. A product where you can build anything you can imagine, and eat it after. A product that’s “Built To Be Eaten”.

To launch the idea, we created 2 TV spots and a print campaign showing kids’ imaginations come to life.


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Copywriter: Stephen Pacheco
Group Creative Directors: Daniel Righi, Kurt Mills
Director: Oskar Bard
Production: Hobby Films
Post: Arcade, UPP


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Also, weirdly, a year later one of the print ads shared a scene with Daniel Radcliffe in the Weird Al biopic.


Little Black Book



Lürzer’s International Archive Vol. 3+4/2021

Art Director’s Club

Bronze - Photography - Food - Series (2022)
Shortlist - Integrated - Traditional (2022)
Shortlist - Press - Magazine - Series (2022)

Gold- Idea “Lunchables” (2022)